The forecast called for thunderstorms, so I bagged my valuables and crossed my fingers that we wouldn't have a rerun of last week's Lollapalooza evacuation. The sun shone brightly as I ran up 12th Ave from 34th St, fearing a massive line. After checking in and receiving tickets to be exchanged for beer and food, I took advantage of a free scoop of
Stephen Colbert's very own Ben & Jerry's flavor, Americone Dream. My friend Carrie (who took all the photos) joined me as we made our way up more than a few sets of stairs to the flight deck of the ship. The stage was set up on the starboard side, flanked by screens and underneath a set of flashing lights reading, "COLBERT." We used our drink tickets to grab some Heinekens (Guy behind us: "Which has more alcohol: Budweiser or Heineken?" Trick question. They both don't have any.), and settled in for the show.
With the stage manager directing us to cheer, the opening graphics for The Colbert Report illuminated the screens, and out came a swashbuckling Steve spinning a captain's wheel and brandishing a sabre. Following some quips about the sewage spill in Tarrytown, Colbert played a game of life-size Battleship with Jon Stewart, putting a gigantic red peg into the stage. He then instructed the crowd to keep the energy level up because they had to tape the opens for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Billed as a festival, this came as a surprise to most of us. I don't get cable, so perhaps if I had seen last year's week of shows, I would have expected a show-taping environment instead of spending the past week reacquainting myself with the entirety of the Flaming Lips' catalog to be prepared to see them for the first time.
Colbert returned thrice more, putting a different spin on his pitches for sponsor, Pepsi. First identifying their slogan as "Put it in your mouth," he later inserted a comma into their actual slogan: "Live, for now. Because we're all going to die someday." He also introduced his first mate, Grandmaster Flash, although their awkward repartee suggested that the two had never met before. Colbert closed his final intro with an impromptu duet of "The Star Spangled Banner" with the stage manager.
Fun took the stage shortly after 9:30, and burst right out with current hit "Some Nights." The sound sliced right through the humid, body odor-laden air, and the crowd sang along happily. "Carry On" followed (Next single, maybe?) and "We Are Young" was the obvious closer. A short set, but this wasn't a festival; it's TV.
When Stephen announced that he was going to take some time to record the goodnight tags, groans issued from the crowd. That is, until he descended into our ranks, only to be hoisted above by eager concertgoers, to deliver his lines into the jib camera. With those fans expecting a typical concert rapidly departing, Colbert nobly turned to the role of pacifier. He did everything he could to keep us entertained, from singing "Happy Birthday" in Latin to a crowdmember to joyously dancing to Rihanna's "We Found Love, a snippet of which can be seen below.
The show now running late, the sense of urgency was apparent, with Michael Ivins and Steven Drozd tuning their own instruments. Wayne Coyne took the reins on pumping up the crowd, and the Lips launched into "Ashes in the Air." A bizarre marijuana PSA from Coyne flowed into "Drug Chart," which had him shaking a maraca with a face, and obscuring his own visage with a foil cape. As they broke into "Do You Realize??," I realized how strange it was to see the Lips in the year they became world record holders for the most concerts performed in 24 hours, likely playing to their smallest crowd since 1994.
No Flaming Lips show is complete without Wayne jumping into a space bubble and hamster-wheeling his way above the crowd. Wayne and Colbert climbed into their spheres and set out onto our bed of hands, so Stephen could deliver his final goodbye. It was a little surreal to know that as they passed above us in their space bubbles, while the Lips played the theme to The Colbert Report, just to our left, in an even bigger bubble, was the space shuttle Enterprise.
I guess we'll see next week how it all comes together on TV. Well, those of us with cable.
FUN – 08.10.12 – STEPHEST
COLBCHELLA ‘012, USS INTREPID (14 minutes)
Some Nights / Carry On / We
Are Young
COLBCHELLA ‘012, USS INTREPID (27 minutes)
Two Weeks / Two Weeks / Yet
Again (aborted) / Yet Again / Sleeping Ute
COLBCHELLA ‘012, USS INTREPID (29 minutes)
The Keepers / Disparate Youth
/ The Keepers / Disparate Youth / Go!
Ashes in the Air / Drug Chart / Do You Realize?? / Charge (tease) / The Colbert
Report Theme
Second Flaming Lips song was "Drug Chart", not NASA on Acid.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I never got the Gummy Skull EP because it was so expensive.
ReplyDeleteYou can see the shows on Hulu if you're wanting to