I'd seen Rogue Wave live before, but never headlining, so when they announced two NYC dates, one at Music Hall of Williamsburg and one at Bowery Ballroom, I chose the superior venue.
Rogue Wave are a talented group of musicians with the ability to modify their compositions to fit whatever style they're going for. On their iTunes Exclusive EP, they "exhumed and groomed" several songs from their debut, adding full-band layers to what was essentially a Zach solo effort. So when it came time to play one of their most beloved songs, "Eyes," they morphed it to fit the sound of the Nightingale tunes, adding in a heavy dose of reverb and some ethereal chords from the keyboard. When you could see them through the darkness, they wore smiles on their faces, having fun sandwiching a tease of "Nobody Does It Better" in between "Nourishment Nation" and "Publish My Love." "We did that 'cause Pat's such a big Carly Simon fan," Zach revealed at the medley's end. "I love the album covers," Pat chimed in.
Unfortunately, it wasn't as fun for the crowd. People on the floor repeatedly shouted out requests in between songs, but most went unacknowledged. One persistent crowdmember got lucky, as Zach attempted to appease him by singing the first four lines of "California." "Keep going!" yelled the fan. "If you had been here at soundcheck..." Zach trailed off, referring to a deal where if you purchased four tickets to the show, you'd gain exclusive access to the soundcheck. But in a venue as intimate as Bowery, which Zach admitted was one of the best in the country, you shouldn't have to come to soundcheck to connect with the band. "What I should do is put a setlist out before we play, and you would write the songs down," Rogue suggested. "We should do that," he mused, almost to himself, seriously contemplating the thought. "Chicago x 12" kicked off a run of four Asleep at Heaven's Gate tracks to finish off the short set. In the middle of the song, Rogue tossed a vaseful of flowers out into the crowd. It was almost like Zach was a shamefaced husband, attempting to solve the problem by literally throwing flowers at it. The Heaven's Gate numbers received the best response from the audience, but instead of catering to the cheers, the band returned for an encore of three more new ones. "Everyone Wants to Be You" was the final tune, slowly building to its climax of crunchy distortion and Rogue's screams. It wasn't a bad show, but it was underwhelming. I hadn't heard the new record yet (The vinyl is still being pressed.), so maybe I just need to spend some more time with it? Regardless, if they do end up playing an audience-setlist show, I'll be there in a heartbeat. And I'm writing down "I Can Die."
ROGUE WAVE - 06.23.13 - BOWERY BALLROOM (1 hour, 23 minutes)
Siren's Song / S(a)tan / Eyes / Nourishment Nation > Nobody Does It Better (tease) > Publish My Love / Figured It Out / Sleepwalker / Love's Lost Guarantee / California (tease) / College / Chicago x 12 / Cheaper Than Therapy > Lake Michigan / Harmonium
No Magnatone / Nearly Lost You / Everyone Wants to Be You
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